This is supposed to be 'Boney M' by the way...the funky disco band from the 70´s.
Music yes...I like music...all sorts of it. If a song is good it´s good...that´s it. The hell with morons who get stuck with one type of music. OPEN UP YOUR EYES AND EARES...THERE ARE TONS OF GOOD MUSIC OUT THERE!!!!!
Why listen ONLY to say death metal...or despise everything but techno...I don´t get it really???
I have met through my years of playing in bands lots of narrowed down people who thinks there are only ONE type of music that is good...oh my god when two of those got together and had different flavours....gees...I just wanna smack em silly ;)
No no no...I say...the hell with labels...there are good music and there are bad music...period.
Same with people...some are assholes, some are not....some are nice...some needs to be banned from earth. And this is NO matter what colour.
If I dislike someone I dislike the person...not his/hers looks, appearance, skin colour, religion...people are people...there are assholes in every country on this earth...simple facts.
So don´t call me a rasist cause I am not...there are lots of pale swedish people who is true assholes...believe me, I have met a bunch. There are probably people out there who thinks I am an asshole...though that is pretty far off the chart ;)
Another thing that makes me wonder is the fact that people seems to loose all contact with common sense when they are playing multiplayer games...like BF2. I mean...some thinks that they can behave however they want just because they are sitting behind a computer in a different part of the world.
WHAT IS UP WITH THAT????? God dammit...if someone came up to me in real life behaving like that, foul language and name calling, I would probably knock him off the ground....bah. Is it so damn hard to be nice??? Grow up ffs.....
Internet is NOT an excuse to be mean and rude...there are real people behind the computers...some might take offense...keep that in mind.