I can understand that...yup, it´s true...I am the hippie wannabee in the middle...gees, must be 7 or 8 years ago.
'The Generators'...we really tried to look authentic...ugly clothes and all...70th style. Long hair and Lennon glasses...yeah I know...poor imposters ;)
Luckily I cut my hair off and turned into to this extremely handsome man that I am...if you don´t disagree I´ll send you a chewing gum...barely used...promise :)
Aaaah...summer (quick change of subject). Finally the warm weather found it´s way to Sweden...man did we need that.
For 9 months each year we swedes have to put up with ridicuolus low temperatures, depressingly amounts of snow, agressive polarbears that snitches your morning paper and cars that eagerly tries to camouflage themselves as Igloos...bah.
Just to open the door is an adventure...and leaving the house...gees, you better put on atleast 150kg of clothes just to survive...man I am glad I am a viking ;)
Did I mention...I favor summer...warm and cosy, flowers, grass (not the smoking kind)...barbecues...beer on occasions...things comes to life in the summer...and I don´t have to wrestle polarbears all the time...that´s exhausting.
I am getting a slight sunburn too...not the grilled look though.
Ah well...time to wrap this up.
Until the next time...drink some beer :)
hej gullet!
Vad fin du var där. Men du är nog finare nu, tror jag. Ni var bra i alla fall! Älskar dig!
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