In the evenings the sky can be all red, purple, pink, orange...you name it...and the effect on those clouds are awesome. But a blue one...can´t beat that :)
Maybe I adjusted the photo just a bit...enhanced the blue in it...but hey, it´s still the sky...not like when those fashion photographers turns the models into completely different persons in Photoshop.
'click' - Ok Mr. Trump...you are now caught on cam buddy.
2 hours later.
- I Photoshopped you a bit...
Trump - WHAT THE....WHO IS THAT??!!!
- Umm...that is you.
Trump - No way man...that is Brittney Spears!!!
- No...that is you...after some playing around in Photoshop.
Trump - Aaah, I see...nice hair.
Awful...but the funny thing is...no matter what program I use I can´t make myself look good...wierd...it´s like loading error...what´s up with that???
I even got a message once...it popped up in the middle of the screen saying - "The program for your specimens are yet to be invented...bugger off!!"
Huh?? Darn computers....
My antivirus program is screaming about "POSSIBLE CORE MELTDOWN" whenever I try to load up a picture of me...wierd....
Ah well...I guess it will be on the news if my computer turns into a nuke and blasts half of Sweden into orbit around Jupiter...now that would be an adventure...
NASA - No...we did NOT send half a country into space.
Ah well...need my beauty sleep...wonder if it will work this time....
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