But I did´nt throw this pic in just to flaunt my obscene good looks all over cyberspace...although that would explain pretty much...nope, I just wanted to tell the Daddy Cool story...and the blue kind of guy is him..or me...or both...
Now...in swedish the word for daddy is 'pappa'...same same but different. Cool on the other hand is...well...cool. Yup, we swedes use that too...kind of stole it from the english language...sorry.
So...my oldest son (now 4) called me pappacool when he started talking...I dunno why but he did. Translated into english gives me daddycool.
Boney M...a band from the disco era in the '70, made a song called Daddy Cool. It was a hit, and it´s still a cool disco tune. Check it out sometime.
So...when I started playing BFV (Battlefield Vietnam) I named me ' Daddy Cool'.
Some people who plays online games likes to change their names every now and then...I don´t. Daddy Cool got his own life...wierdly enough...but in my team (TEAM Enclave) I just am Daddy Cool...or Daddy...or DC...but not Janne wich is my real name.
Now when we run BF2 instead of BFV I´m still Daddy Cool.
Hrmpf...about nicks in game...what´s wrong with proper names??? Like 'AppleCrunch'...or 'SoggyBottom'...or 'Stinky'....in the world of Bf2 there are almost no one with a proper name. Only - '^¨*thefl¨¨¨^^...or something similar....bah, lack of imagination I say. Try calling for someone with a name like that...hell, it´s game over before you even find the freaking signs on your keyboard.
No wonder there are less chatting in Bf2 than BFV...it´s impossible to call for someone.
But relax all of you gamers out there...come to our BF2 server (IP and Port are shown under the TEAM Enclave logo), all of our members got proper names. It starts with [TE]...then a PROPER name...hehehe.
Here are some you might run into....
- Greyblood
- Witchking
- Nitecat
- Hollynator
...and ofcourse DaddyCool. If you wanna see the complete members list click the TEAM Enclave link...tadaa, our website.
But please...if you are about to start playing BF2...COME UP WITH A PROPER NAME FOR CRYING OUT LOUD...man, how hard can it be....
I´m out.....going ;)
Then there's me: MedicByChoice.
Meaning it's my choice to be a medic most of the time. Most people take the easy route and snipe or play assault. All that nonsense. Medics take skill! :D
Hehe, me myself play support mostly.
But hail to you Mark my friend who got yourself a PROPER nick in-game.
MedicByChoice...proper indeed ;)
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