Ok...first thing first....2 blogs in 1 day???!!! Have I completely lost my mind??? How unusual...but exciting...what now??? A boring collection of letters about the PC game Battlefield 2???
Nope....but I do want to ventilate some issues regarding the gameplay in previous mentioned PC game.
There is quite a bunch out there who plays BF2...there´s about 1000 ranked servers out there to choose from...though games like COD4 have stolen a few players and the game is getting old...not really, but in the world of computers a 3 year old game is definently getting old.
Now...I have just about 300 hours of game time so far, so I know a thing or two.
This is how to win when playing infantry...keep that in mind...INFANTRY.......
Form a squad....it don´t matter how good you are, loners will be killed over and over again.
Lets say you are 5 players in the squad, 3 should be medics, 1 support and 1 sniper. The support will provide ammo and should ALWAYS be the first one in when taking a flag....why??? If there is claymores there the medics can revive him.
Support and sniper and 1 medic, ONE only, should take the flag. The other 2 medics should stay away from the flag radius....if it will start raining grenades it would be good if not the entire squad gets wiped out. Take cover and keep an eye on the surroundings...3 guys turns a flag quick enough.
The sniper can place clays for the enemy to step on...preferebly around flags (some servers don´t allowe that though....TE server do) and he can pick off those annoying enemy snipers...and ofcourse kill or atleast hurt enemies from a long distance.
Medics shall revive revive revive....damn I hate those fecking slow morons playing medic. There you are all dead yelling 'MEDIC'...and the idiot medic runs away or stands beside you looking for those shockpaddles....or shocks the ground beside you....hate it. REVIVE INSTANTLY....if there are 3 medics in the same squad that is possible. All other squad members should attack the enemy providing cover for the medic doing the reviving.
Now...that is the basics...now for the general fighting tactics........
I am NOT the best player out there...but I do get good KDR´s all the time (Kill Death Ratio). I can kick some serious butt with my support gun....just because I don´t run head on. Nope...I see too many good players thinking they are all that, running head on trying to kill everything.
I flank my enemies if I can, and I never attack for the same spot twice. If I get killed and my squad along with it I attack from a different angle next try....most players think that you will come the same way you did last time.
And always use the enviroment to your advantage. Don´t stand in the wide open in a fire fight...make yourself a hard target.
ALWAYS spawn on your squad leader and ALWAYS stick together....I also hate squad members that runs off to the other side of the map....BAH....morons. But by sticking together I do NOT mean so close that 1 lousy nade will take out the entire squad...stick together means work together and look out for eachother.
Another thing that many many many, too many good players fall into is the I-am-so-god-damn-stubborn-I-just-have-to-take-that-particular-flag....I mean wtf??!!! If you run into heavy resistance, outnumbered as hell, GO AROUND THEM, ATTACK ANOTHER FLAG!!!!!!
God dammit...make the opposite team open up a bit. Force them to run off here and there and voila...suddenly the former Fort Knox flag will be easier to take.
I can sometimes flank a well guarded flag, do a quick attack with everything you got, when they know what´s happening run off....don´t stand your ground, 3-5 guys will come running. Make em chase you then kill em....or they will loose interest but the important thing is that they will leave the flag they are defending. Maybe just for a minute...but that might be enough for your teammates to do some heavy damage.
And firing....do NOT use full auto in a mid to long distance fire fight. Not even the most accurate gun will hit very good on full auto. I almost always use the heaviest of machineguns...the PKM. Very very powerful...100 bullets per mag and insane damage. But people say it´s too damn in-accurate...I say hell no!!!! On the contrary, it´s not bad at all...short bursts or single shots rapidly...that´s the way to do it. This way the recoil will be easy to controle. I can win fire fights against any G36E user on any distance...not always ofcourse...but I don´t feel that I have an disadvantage...it´s all about timing.
The medics usually play with the G36E, full auto is not even an option, so no problem there. But the no-full-auto-firing goes for every gun in the game.
Do as I say and you will do good.
Some will agree, some won´t...all I can say is that I play like this and I do good.
Carry on........