Well...I was bored with the last one.
I´m not totally pleased with this one either...it´s ok though...it will do for time beeing ;)
What´s new then...well, I have explored the noble art of self stabbing actually. 'Huh' might be your first thought reading this...I will explain.......
Yes, I am an carpenter. I build furnitures, windows, doors...you name it and i will build it, that´s my job.
As all carpenters (this is an presumtion though...I have NOT met them all) I use dangerous tools on daily basis. All kinds of machines and hand held tools...like chisels...wich is the tool I am going to talk about...and for you who never seen a chisel before I say - see picture above ;)
That looks quite similar as the chisel I used during my stabbing contest...with myself.
Now...I was working on a beautiful bathroom cabinet...all in oak...recessed spotlights and all...man I am good...oh...sorry about that....anyhow, in the back I used an milling machine to make room for the backpiece. But those things make round corners so you have to use the chisel to cut them straight.
Trust me...I have done this particular procedure like a zillion times already, so no news to me. BUT...oak is hard...so you gotta put a little muscle into it...and so I did. I was nearly finished when it all went sour...for me that is...the oak was thin where I both had made room for the back piece and the cable to one of the spotlights...so it cracked...and I slipped...and drove the chisel right smack into to my left hand fingers...ouchie.
And I keep my chisels sharp m8´s...always.
I first hit my index finger (small cut, almost nothing), then the middle finger (pretty good cut...I am very proud), and finally the ring finger...now that finger took the serious beating...or stabbing if you prefer.
I cut myself through the nail...a bit on the side too...quite deep actually...split my nail in half...cut straight through...down deep into the finger below...and MAAAAAN did that hurt...gees. And MAAAAAAN did I bleed...omfg...but I made sure I did´nt bleed all over the cabinet...blood stains is very hard to remove...and this cabinet will not be cheap.
Thankfully my boss was there...he fixed me up with a compression bandage. 12 hours after this accident I was still bleeding though...and I could not sleep due to the pain. As a matter of fact I could´nt sleep for two nights.
So on friday I called the hospital (yes I worked thursday and friday)...my workmate Mr. Beaver and ofcourse my dear wife thought I was a total knucklehead who did´nt go there in the first place.
But on friday I have had enough...thank god for good doctors. They cleaned the wound, said it was a nasty cut (no shit) and came to the astonishing conclusion that it probably was painful...errm...ya...they also put on some new comfy bandages and gave me a tetanus shot.
It´s all good...I got a new injury to put on my very impressive list and I can work...not on full speed though...too big bandage and too sore.
I will soon take it off...not the finger...the bandage...band-aid will do soon enough.
Finally a word of advice from someone who knows -
If you are about to play with a chisel, make god damn sure you know wich end is the dangerous one...ok?
I still think they should've taken the whole damn hand... that would have been awesome, and as you know, chicks dig scars!! :D
Poor Janne. Leave him alone for a minute and he chops off his fingers! Maybe Mr. Beaver should be in charge.
Glad you're alright, mate. I updated my blog. Happy now???
Mr. Beaver in charge??? Are you insane?? Have you lost what little mind you have left?? Are you french??
That is unthinkable!!!
Mr. Beaver in charge....gives me the shiver.
Sorry, mate. Momentary lapse in judgement. It won't happen again.
ok, now I'm insulted...
"Mr Beaver said...ok, now I´m an sultan"
Huh...sultan?? Of wich country...Bahrain???
muffdivingville!! :D
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