...is´nt it wonderful this thing called 'Irony'??
Me on the cover of a magazine called 'Sexy'??? Yeah right...if the magazine was called 'Roadkill' or 'UglyBastard' I would get it....but this????
I got no problem flauntning my lack of good looks though, I don´t think anyone would use this ugly mug on any questionable site for any sort of product or service....this face on a Viagra add??
Thank god my kids got their looks from their mother...no wonder they are soooooo damn cute ;)
Atleast my finger is getting better. I will definently think twice before I try to stab myself with a chisel again...not the best of ideas.
I´m on my way the the church actually...attending a baptism...I just hope that God don´t strike me with thunder and lightnings again...I have been a nice boy ;)
that looks like the cover of "pedofile weekly"! or "the chiselstabbers of sweden" maybe...
"Chiselstabbers of Sweden" huh...can I sign up for a memberchip somewhere???
you would be guaranteed a spot if you send them a picture of the wound... ;)
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