Saturday 15 September 2007

World´s best rock album??

Atleast one of them me doubt about it.

When Guns N´Roses released this album it rocked the world. Their sound was something else, something new....something far better than all the Def Leppard knockoffs out there....Guns rocked the world.

And little me (yes..I was young then...a teenager as a matter of fact) was blown away. I remember the summer when Guns N´Roses ruled...'Paradise City' could be heard everywhere...and everyone knew the lyrics.
I fell in love with the opening track...'Welcome to the jungle'...I still love it. I got it as my ring tone when someone calls me on my cell I am very reluctant to actually answering...why interrupt such a cool tune ;)

Now...this is all about taste...that´s the beautiful part about music...there are so many flavours out there...something for I guess there are a ton of people who disagrees with me...but hey...this is MY blog...and here Guns rocks...period :)

I would gladly put up the whole record for down loading...but since I don´t want to get sued and finally throwed in jail I can only recommend following....GO BUY IT!!!! I promise...if you are a rocker THIS is the album you need in your collection....get rid of that Blink 182 crap...time to understand what rock is all about.

Ok ok...I can hear the voices already..."What about Elvis??"...or..."Pfff...Jimi Hendrix ffs!!!"...or even..."Chuck Berry started it moron!!"...yes...I agree. Rock started way back in the days...rock is an offspring from almost everything I guess when talking about what the hell...hello BB King :)

I am talking about modern rock...rock that got some god damn tone in made from desperation and an urge to take on the world with tons of agression without the need of screaming your lungs that is Guns N´Roses.

Too bad Mr. Rose himself proved to be somewhat insane and undisputed unstable...the following albums was not as good as 'Appetite For Destruction'. Though I like 'You could be mine' from 'Use your illusion'...T2 soundtrack I believe (Terminator II...doh). And 'November Rain' is just plain beautiful...the way Slash play that Les me goose bumps ;)

So...stop reading this mess and go get that album...schoosh...go go....


Mark N said...

American/English music.... no thanks.

Daddy Cool said...

How about some Chinese music??

Lang Wang Twang´s album 'Xui Cho Szechuan' is absolutely wonderful ;)

French maybe??

Filipe Tresugét sings beautiful on 'Le Puté Merde Font Voule Vouez' :)