Wednesday 19 September 2007

No pics - lots of rambling!!!!

Yeah...I´m tired...and somewhat more dazed and confused than normally. That is actually dangerous...who knows what kind of tricks my mind will play on me.

You brain plays tricks on me sometimes. I wanna do this but my brain does that and the final result of my actions is nothing else but a total disaster.

It´s like my computer...this thing is a potentional nuke. No really...when I try to install and/or run new programs I get wierd messages like - WARNING!!!! POSSIBLE CORE MELTDOWN!!!
What´s up with that. I did´nt know that computers had Plutonium in they??? It that dangerous?? It growls too...and tries to bite my even ran across the living room floor chasing my kids...that was funny.

I can swear it ate my candybar too.

I am tired...

My new boss wants to re-model the whole god damn carpentry. He made us tear out everything...breaking down walls and all...just to build it up again...but bigger...and will be great...when we are done.
Man there where lots of garbage in there. One big ass dumpster is now full (the BIG builder kind) so we had to bring a new one.

We will build - a proper office, a small kitchen, dining room, locker room, shower and a toilet. That on the other hand will be´s more fun building things than breaking shit up. Why you might ask...breaking things is fun...yup...but to tear out and tear down 30 years old walls, shelves...god knows a carpentry...IT GET DUSTY...I have probably inhaled a ton of dust this week...old´s dusty in a carpentry...I should know...I work there :)

I am tired....

I think I will go to bed now. Maybe watch a movie until I fall asleep....that will probaly take 10-15 minutes...then my wife will wake me up and tell me to shut the DVD player off and turn out the I come.....


Mark N said...

Poor, Janne. You need a vacation. Florida is nice this time of year. :)

Daddy Cool said...

Cool...can I crash at your place then ;)

Mark N said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mark N said...

Sorry about that. Wrote a comment, but tried to delete it because I was going to write something else instead.

Anyway, yeah! You can crash here... hm... let me check with my parents. lol

Anki said...

Stackar slilla trötta du.... Ett tips: Gå och lägg dig när det är kväll, inte morgon nästan. Det hjälper!

Anki said...

Stava kan jag inte heller. Jag måste verkligen byta karriär. Jag tror jag ska bli hemmafru i stället. Är det ok med dig?

Mark N said...

Methinks she's talking about me again. *makes a note to learn Swedish*

Anonymous said...

where am i?