....yuk...errm...well...that is our company car...unfortunately...and it´s crap...yup...mega crap...so much mega crap it takes global proportions...hell, send this crap car to China and we will have a WW3...
I was kind enough to cover the plates a bit (I heard it´s the right thing to do)...I don´t wanna get my life threatend...people might track this...umm...car...down, and throw bricks at us driving it...or rig it with heavy explosives...or even nuke it from orbit...I don´t want that....the...*sigh*...car can have it...but me and Mr. Beaver don´t wanna be a part of it.
We are already feeling bad enough for driving that heap...no need to make it worse.
So...it´s a....Volvo...maybe I should say...it USED to be a Volvo....278 years ago...it´s whitish...I can´t really say...greyish rustish whitish...you tell me.
It makes all kind of wierd noices...the gearbox is about to kill itself...I have to use brute force to get the 2nd gear in...sometimes the gearshift ends up in the palm of my hand...yup, you can call it 'connection problems' ;)
The servo (steering aid thingie) works when it feels like it...luckily I got very very strong arms ;)
Put the pedal to the metal is an unknown fact for this....heap...nothing happends...well...besides slurping tons of gas.
The gas meter lives it´s own life too...full tank, empty....half...who knows...stop and ask a innocent pedestrian is probably just as accurate.
The breaks works...ok...the snow tires works...not so good...it get kind of slippery.
Bah...I could go on and on about this...car...no, that was far to kind...crap-ass-stinking-shit-load-heap-of-french-mustard-wreckage...it´s embarrassing god dammit...hrmpf :(
We got some pride here...
Hopefully the big Boss will get rid of this....thing...and give us a PROPER car to drive around...
To be continued.......