Greetings fellow gentlemens...and ladies ofcourse...if there are any stupid enough reading this crap...suit yourself...just don´t sue me for lost time and braincells ;)
Anyhow...here are some pics from Sundborn, that´s where we are building this garage...but one day we had a bit of rain and voila...a beautiful rainbow showed up.
How sweet...but dammit...I ran like a mad moose to the rainbows end...or beginning...I really don´t know wich...ah well, BUT NO GOLD???!! WHAT??! What a total bummer!!! No gold...plbrt...what´s up with that?? No gold...hrmpf...BAH!!!
I felt like a complete sucker...with my mad moose run and all...I even knocked a couple of cows over just because they were standing in my way...stupid cows....stole my gold...I bet they did...damn cows...
But still...a beautiful rainbow...a double one too....
I will soon show some pics of the garage too...it´s not finished....but almost ;)
Carry on......
Lay off the vodka, mate.
Beautiful rainbow, though.
What??! I can´t drink Vodka now?? But it´s so...tasty ;)
du är en ganska sjuk människa karl...
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