It´s NOT fun doing roof work in a blizzard...it gets slippery....no bull ;)
On top of everything we are short of tiles...the customer wanted us to use some old tiles they have saved from some old house...nice...3 different sizes (not good at all) and crappy...cheap bastards. If we would have used NEW tiles...concrete ones...we would have been finished in a day...but noooooo....use them old-crappy-shit tiles instead...good thinking....NOT!!!!
Here´s a good tip....when you want to re-model your house or build something new....DO NOT GET CHEAP ALL OF A SUDDEN....that costs money...believe me. Old crap is OLD CRAP...period.
Too bad many customers think they will save money by for instance using old tiles...but it might get way more expensive in the end. The work hours will increase...and the finished product will be....well, not it´s best.
Take my word for it...build new, use good material.
Carry on..........
Looks really good. You do good word for a crazy man! You should build me a house now. :)
Sure thing buddy...I will build you the best house ever seen in Florida ;)
No problem :)
Synd att jag inte fotade dig när du kom hem igår och var blöt ända in till kalsongerna. Det hade ju blivit en fin bild i kombinatiopn med garaget menar jag. Puss!
riktigt tjusig snubbe där på taket annars ;)
Hej, kompis! Hur står det till? Var är toaletten?
Well, I thought it was important to learn that one at least. You never know when I might wander into a Swedish only store and really need to use the facilities.
Yeah, so I really don't have anything to say on top of that. Everyone else was speaking Swedish, so I thought I'd join in. You know... felt left out.
Hej då.
haha awesome swedish dude :)
Hell yeah Mark my man...you rock :)
Mr Beaver here is the ugly guy in the pics...and please don´t feel left out...you are just as insane as the rest of us ;)
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