I bought every Spidey magazine I could get. I had em all...man was he cool. Ofcourse I read Superman, Hulk, Daredevil....even Tarzan...but no way in hell they could beat Spidey in coolness and attitude...Spiderman was, and still is my no 1. superhero ALL categories....spidey rocks :)
But the movies (I believe there is a old crappy Spidey movie out there) sucked....comic ones counted.
So guess who bought the NEW Spiderman movie on DVD 1st day it was out??? Yup...me ;)
I felt like that little boy all over again...watching my hero climbing walls and doing some seroius web swinging....WOOHOO!!!!
Spiderman 2...the same.....bought it....
Spiderman 3...yup, bought it and love it. He is still the coolest superhero in the world.
And guess what....my 4 year old (4,5 to be exact) loves him too :) I know I know...he´s a bit too young to be watching movies like that....but I try to fast forward the ugly parts.
But we sit like to little kids (one a bit bigger than the other though) with BIG smiles on our faces and just loving the show...spidey rocks...we know it both of us :)
After watching we run around...mostly kiddo though...playing Spiderman and throwing web on eachother....I gotta admit...it´s fun...hehehehe.
What can I say...I am a big child...but damn it´s funny.
Spiderpig, spiderpig, does whatever a spiderpig does....
Oh, wait. Wrong movie. Wrong species, too. I never liked comicbooks or comicbook heroes! Gasp!
Something must be wrong with me.
hah, don't you just love the simpsons movie though mark? :P
anyway, I loved superman better when I grew up, but that's just me ;)
The Simpsons rock, my Swedish friend #2. I can't wait for it to come out on DVD. However, I just can't picture it in Swedish. Somehow it loses something. Hm...
No worries Mark my man...The Simpsons talks english here too ;)
Original voices ofcourse :)
Simpsons rocks! Anton (the 4 year old) says that Janne (Daddy) is Homer! But Anton himself is Spiderman, of course. And I am Pippi Långstrump (Pippi Longstocking?) - also a supehero in his and mine world. Emil is Superman.
Mommy Cool! I have not had the honor of speaking to you directly until now. Hello!
Pippi Longstockings. Now there's a name I haven't heard in a long time. lol That brings back memories.
Äger alla (svenska) Marvel från -84 och framåt. Prenumererar fortfarande... Lite collt och men mest rätt nördigt :-)
Hälsa Anki!
It may interest you to know that Marvel Graphic Novel #22, The Amazing Spider-Man, featured a Finnish character who appears to be inspried by Pippi! The title is Spider-Man: Hooky.
BTW, it is interesting to speculate that Pippi is actually a creature of magic, like Mr. Mxzylptlyx. Her physical strength can't be based on muscle power, she can survive falls from high buildings, can eat nails.
If she is a creature of magic then she could even harm Superman who is vulnerable to magic as well as Kryptonite.
Wouldn't it be cool if Pippi became an Avenger or an X-man?
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