Saturday 19 May 2007

Oak table anyone??

As you might have picked up I am a carpenter. Here´s a oak table I made...wanna buy it :)
It´s pretty I don´t think I can carry it that far...atleast not further than say Germany ;)
Working with wood is indeed very funny...getting paid for the work is less funny. Some costumers are so god damn cheap...they actually think that it is cheaper ordering a special made product, a one of a kind, than going to IKEA...WOOT?? Stoopid-ass-jelly-eating-cheap-nose-picking-morons....bah...and when you tell em the cost they try to cut prices...GET THE HELL OUT OF MY CARPENTRY!!!!
What´s up with that??
I actually told a lady (I could call her plenty of other stuff less nice) to leave once...she thought I would do about 2 hours of work for her almost at no charge. She was angry when I told her my I told here to seek help elsewhere :)
But this last costumer I had was a chock. He wanted to pay me before I even started working on his stuff...YAY!!! But I told him to relax (I must be stoopid) kind of feels better to do the job and get paid for it after you finished it. And man was he happy...he almost hugged me...hehe...charming old man but I am married ;)
Ah well...the battle against cheap costumers will continue I presume...maybe threating with a ride through the planing machine will get em paying...I dunno...I will let you know the result of that later on :)
Until the next time...stop and smell the flowers...if you´re not allergic that is ;)

1 comment:

Anki said...

Lucky you that your wife has a job... But, how are you going to pay me back? He he!