I know...I write this several hours before midnight and new year...but hey, I won´t be sitting here when it turns to 2008.
So I write this now...Happy New Year on all of you...I wish everyone a great 2008.
No more, no less...have fun tonight and go easy on the drinks...too bad starting a new year with a bad-ass hangover ;)
2008....here I come....
Monday, 31 December 2007
Sunday, 23 December 2007
'So this is Christmas.....' yup, Christmas it is and Santa is in the neighbourhood...well, almost anyway...if he can find his way here.
My kids are all screwed up...Santa here, Santa there...man...relax I say...he will come...if you are nice that is. My oldest can be a pain in the ass so I guess he´s in big trouble tomorrow...but I am nice...very very nice ;) Ooooh...I am sooo nice that there should be a picture of me next to the word 'Nice' in a dictionary ;)
So Santa should bring me a shitload of cool and extremely expensive gifts...yeah...he should.
Ah well...we shall see...I say Christmas is for the children when it comes to gifts. To see them open their presents with BIG smiles...that is enough for me. As long as they are happy I am too :)
BUT...I will not complain if I get a little something too ;)
My kids are all screwed up...Santa here, Santa there...man...relax I say...he will come...if you are nice that is. My oldest can be a pain in the ass so I guess he´s in big trouble tomorrow...but I am nice...very very nice ;) Ooooh...I am sooo nice that there should be a picture of me next to the word 'Nice' in a dictionary ;)
So Santa should bring me a shitload of cool and extremely expensive gifts...yeah...he should.
Ah well...we shall see...I say Christmas is for the children when it comes to gifts. To see them open their presents with BIG smiles...that is enough for me. As long as they are happy I am too :)
BUT...I will not complain if I get a little something too ;)
Sunday, 16 December 2007
Is that a car??? A real one???
Well...nope...but it looks cool ;)
My oldest son got this some time ago and I just had to take some pics of it...hehe, boys and their toys again :)
Maybe I should pimp my ride like that...a pimped up Volvo...hmmm....maybe not.
A well....just wanted to show that I am still alive...poor blogging lately. Sorry for that...I´ll shape up.
Carry on.......
Sunday, 25 November 2007
Is that a car??? Naaahh...

....yuk...errm...well...that is our company car...unfortunately...and it´s crap...yup...mega crap...so much mega crap it takes global proportions...hell, send this crap car to China and we will have a WW3...
I was kind enough to cover the plates a bit (I heard it´s the right thing to do)...I don´t wanna get my life threatend...people might track this...umm...car...down, and throw bricks at us driving it...or rig it with heavy explosives...or even nuke it from orbit...I don´t want that....the...*sigh*...car can have it...but me and Mr. Beaver don´t wanna be a part of it.
We are already feeling bad enough for driving that heap...no need to make it worse.
So...it´s a....Volvo...maybe I should say...it USED to be a Volvo....278 years ago...it´s whitish...I can´t really say...greyish rustish whitish...you tell me.
It makes all kind of wierd noices...the gearbox is about to kill itself...I have to use brute force to get the 2nd gear in...sometimes the gearshift ends up in the palm of my hand...yup, you can call it 'connection problems' ;)
The servo (steering aid thingie) works when it feels like it...luckily I got very very strong arms ;)
Put the pedal to the metal is an unknown fact for this....heap...nothing happends...well...besides slurping tons of gas.
The gas meter lives it´s own life too...full tank, empty....half...who knows...stop and ask a innocent pedestrian is probably just as accurate.
The breaks works...ok...the snow tires works...not so good...it get kind of slippery.
Bah...I could go on and on about this...car...no, that was far to kind...crap-ass-stinking-shit-load-heap-of-french-mustard-wreckage...it´s embarrassing god dammit...hrmpf :(
We got some pride here...
Hopefully the big Boss will get rid of this....thing...and give us a PROPER car to drive around...
To be continued.......
Saturday, 24 November 2007
The End....hopefully ;)

YAY...the freaking garage is finally finished...sort of...we can´t finish the tiling on the roof since the darn customer wanted us to use some old crappy tiles from 1000BC...and it was´nt enough of it anyway...stoopid....
But hey...the rest is finished...tadaa :)
The lights is not our work though...but it looks nice.
So...if you are in need of a new garage or even a house...give me a call will ya...me and Mr. Beaver here (handsome dood in the pics) will fly over and put a kick-ass house together for ya in no time at all...but it will cost ya...it´s not cheap hiring professionals like us ;)
Next job for me is to make a bunch of windows...meaning indoor work...YAY...I was getting a bit tired of working outside regardless of the weather...but fresh air is good for ya so I shall not complain.
Oh...almost forgot...me and Mr. Beaver (it´s an alias btw) are very fond of singing when we work. We usually take famous songs and make our own lyrics...silly lyrics too, just to make it a bit more fun...and guess what...we are now totally famous in Sundborn...hell yeah. I believe EVERYONE living there heard us...not intentional...but a woman came by the other day, her dog was exercising here I guess, and said...
- Oh...nice work....but I miss the singing.
Huh?? Did she hear us?? Everything??? ALL the songs?? Oh...ehe...poor lady...she is probably in need of professional help now...and a ear transplant...
Maybe we should put a hat on the ground on the next job...we just might get rich ;) People will travel from all over just to watch and listen to THE SINGING CARPENTERS....what a hit...it can´t go wrong...we are soooo handsome too...
In my next blog I will show some pics of our company car....THE car...the car no one else wants to be caught in...and we got it........so stay tuned folks....it aint going to be pretty....
Carry on......
Monday, 19 November 2007
Superheroes...gotta love em ;)

I bought every Spidey magazine I could get. I had em all...man was he cool. Ofcourse I read Superman, Hulk, Daredevil....even Tarzan...but no way in hell they could beat Spidey in coolness and attitude...Spiderman was, and still is my no 1. superhero ALL categories....spidey rocks :)
But the movies (I believe there is a old crappy Spidey movie out there) sucked....comic ones counted.
So guess who bought the NEW Spiderman movie on DVD 1st day it was out??? Yup...me ;)
I felt like that little boy all over again...watching my hero climbing walls and doing some seroius web swinging....WOOHOO!!!!
Spiderman 2...the same.....bought it....
Spiderman 3...yup, bought it and love it. He is still the coolest superhero in the world.
And guess what....my 4 year old (4,5 to be exact) loves him too :) I know I know...he´s a bit too young to be watching movies like that....but I try to fast forward the ugly parts.
But we sit like to little kids (one a bit bigger than the other though) with BIG smiles on our faces and just loving the show...spidey rocks...we know it both of us :)
After watching we run around...mostly kiddo though...playing Spiderman and throwing web on eachother....I gotta admit...it´s fun...hehehehe.
What can I say...I am a big child...but damn it´s funny.
Thursday, 15 November 2007
Another table...oak again ;)

Well...this time I only made the top....but it´s oak...treated with ammonia to get that old brownish look....
Let me say something about working with ammonia....
My mentor and former partner told me the trick with ammonia on oak. Oak got a substance called Garv syra (swedish name) in it....some sort of acid (oak splinters sting), so when you apply ammonia the acid reacts and starts to age instantly. This is an old trick...back in the days the put oak planks or battens in a tent and a cup of ammonia...and voila, 24 hours later the oak looked a 100 years old.
Applying it with a cloth or a brush is just speeding things up...now...
Said and done that´s what I was about to do. Ammonia smells a bit...actually, ammonia 25% concentration smells horrible...I found that out making this table top.
I opened the fresh bottle and started to apply it and....GOD DAMN IN HELL WHAT THE F*** JUST HAPPEND!!!!!!
My whole body said - NO NO NO NO....GET THE HELL OUT OF THERE....man what a rush...I could´nt see nor breathe....no mask on me stoopid retard.
But I had to finish or else the top would have been destroyed.
I had to hold my breath, splash on some ammonia, run across the carpentry to breathe for a sec....run back...splash some more...run away...gees...honestly, I thought I would die. I have never felt a body chock like that before, and god knows I have been in some pretty serious accidents.
Ammonia that concentrated puts your system into chock...believe me. 20 minutes AFTER I was finished my new boss came. He opened the door of the carpentry and had to get out after 1 sec.
- Did you work in there....he said....well....yeah...doh.
So...next time some darn customer wants his/hers oak table treated with ammonia I will damn sure use a big ass mask....with oxygen tubes....a whole freaking space outfit...cause no way in hell I will put my body through that again.
Stay away from ammonia...only weightlifters and stoopid carpenters uses that ;)
Carry on.....
Saturday, 10 November 2007
Garage thingie!!!!

It´s NOT fun doing roof work in a blizzard...it gets slippery....no bull ;)
On top of everything we are short of tiles...the customer wanted us to use some old tiles they have saved from some old house...nice...3 different sizes (not good at all) and crappy...cheap bastards. If we would have used NEW tiles...concrete ones...we would have been finished in a day...but noooooo....use them old-crappy-shit tiles instead...good thinking....NOT!!!!
Here´s a good tip....when you want to re-model your house or build something new....DO NOT GET CHEAP ALL OF A SUDDEN....that costs money...believe me. Old crap is OLD CRAP...period.
Too bad many customers think they will save money by for instance using old tiles...but it might get way more expensive in the end. The work hours will increase...and the finished product will be....well, not it´s best.
Take my word for it...build new, use good material.
Carry on..........
Friday, 9 November 2007
*Somewhere, over the rainbow*

Greetings fellow gentlemens...and ladies ofcourse...if there are any stupid enough reading this crap...suit yourself...just don´t sue me for lost time and braincells ;)
Anyhow...here are some pics from Sundborn, that´s where we are building this garage...but one day we had a bit of rain and voila...a beautiful rainbow showed up.
How sweet...but dammit...I ran like a mad moose to the rainbows end...or beginning...I really don´t know wich...ah well, BUT NO GOLD???!! WHAT??! What a total bummer!!! No gold...plbrt...what´s up with that?? No gold...hrmpf...BAH!!!
I felt like a complete sucker...with my mad moose run and all...I even knocked a couple of cows over just because they were standing in my way...stupid cows....stole my gold...I bet they did...damn cows...
But still...a beautiful rainbow...a double one too....
I will soon show some pics of the garage too...it´s not finished....but almost ;)
Carry on......
Saturday, 3 November 2007
Just some ranting!!!!
Ok...here we go....
I used to play Battlefield Vietnam...LOTS...the team I am a part of was a BFV clan...uptil now that is.
Now we run Battlefield 2 on our server...and call ourselves a BF2 team.
Now...in BFV I was a chopper nerd. Man I loved those choppers :) Especially the Mi8 (vietnam chopper). It was a bit clumsy...but man did I master that machine. The US side had Huey Gunships, also very cool choppers, more agile than the Mi8. But I could outmanouver a good Huey pilot in my Mi8...bragging my ass...I killed everything...period ;)
I did shots you would´nt believe. I went head to head with 2 Hueys WITH gunners and took them out...not always, but if I saw them 1st they were dead. I could hit a bugs ass from a mile...and planes...some plane pilots accused me of cheating when I killed them from impossible angles. I was really really good at it....honest to gods truth, no cheats, no hacks, I rocked that Mi8.
Hueys also became a good friend of mine. I did some awesome stunts in that one...2 Mi8´s had a rough time taking me down. If I had a good gunner I could stay alive for a whole round. I did faster landings/re-loads than most...I rarely got bombed during re-load...almost never actually.
Why this WC of bragging then??? Well...like I said, I play BF2 these days...there are choppers there aswell.
BUT GOD DAMMIT....the choppers in BF2 are lousy, boring and agile as my old Volvo. Vehicles in general in BF2 are stoopid.
Everytime I play WITH vehicles I get pissed off. So many vehicle whores out there in the world of BF2.
So I am now a infantry dood...pretty good too ;) Not the best, but I will deffo put up a fight.
It´s not until now I understand how boring it is when someone sits in a vehicle they master, killing everything in their way. Now I know why so many players got mad at me in BFV.
So I play infantry now, I do NOT wanna spend 2 years learning how to master the choppers in BF2...I don´t wanna be a vehicle whore again....been there, done that.
Infantry rocks...more fair that way.
See ya on our server on infantry nights (sun-wed)....keep an eye out for [TE]DaddyCool...I will be there doing some seroius killing :)
Carry on..........
I used to play Battlefield Vietnam...LOTS...the team I am a part of was a BFV clan...uptil now that is.
Now we run Battlefield 2 on our server...and call ourselves a BF2 team.
Now...in BFV I was a chopper nerd. Man I loved those choppers :) Especially the Mi8 (vietnam chopper). It was a bit clumsy...but man did I master that machine. The US side had Huey Gunships, also very cool choppers, more agile than the Mi8. But I could outmanouver a good Huey pilot in my Mi8...bragging my ass...I killed everything...period ;)
I did shots you would´nt believe. I went head to head with 2 Hueys WITH gunners and took them out...not always, but if I saw them 1st they were dead. I could hit a bugs ass from a mile...and planes...some plane pilots accused me of cheating when I killed them from impossible angles. I was really really good at it....honest to gods truth, no cheats, no hacks, I rocked that Mi8.
Hueys also became a good friend of mine. I did some awesome stunts in that one...2 Mi8´s had a rough time taking me down. If I had a good gunner I could stay alive for a whole round. I did faster landings/re-loads than most...I rarely got bombed during re-load...almost never actually.
Why this WC of bragging then??? Well...like I said, I play BF2 these days...there are choppers there aswell.
BUT GOD DAMMIT....the choppers in BF2 are lousy, boring and agile as my old Volvo. Vehicles in general in BF2 are stoopid.
Everytime I play WITH vehicles I get pissed off. So many vehicle whores out there in the world of BF2.
So I am now a infantry dood...pretty good too ;) Not the best, but I will deffo put up a fight.
It´s not until now I understand how boring it is when someone sits in a vehicle they master, killing everything in their way. Now I know why so many players got mad at me in BFV.
So I play infantry now, I do NOT wanna spend 2 years learning how to master the choppers in BF2...I don´t wanna be a vehicle whore again....been there, done that.
Infantry rocks...more fair that way.
See ya on our server on infantry nights (sun-wed)....keep an eye out for [TE]DaddyCool...I will be there doing some seroius killing :)
Carry on..........
Sunday, 28 October 2007
Errm...I´ve been lazy...sort of....
Ehe...well...it was a loooong time ago I wrote something new here....what can I say...sorry???
What the hell...the world keeps spinning anyhow ;)
Now...as you may or may not know I am a carpenter....and a builder these days...so here are some pics of what the hell I am doing right now.....
Oh...and don´t mind the dood in the pics...he´s...nice really...just kidding dood if you read this mess ;)
Next week it´s time for some roof work....WOOHOO :)
I promise to write a bit more often from now on...any less and I will write next millenium ;)
Doobeedoo :)
Wednesday, 19 September 2007
No pics - lots of rambling!!!!
Yeah...I´m tired...and somewhat more dazed and confused than normally. That is actually dangerous...who knows what kind of tricks my mind will play on me.
You see...my brain plays tricks on me sometimes. I wanna do this but my brain does that and the final result of my actions is nothing else but a total disaster.
It´s like my computer...this thing is a potentional nuke. No really...when I try to install and/or run new programs I get wierd messages like - WARNING!!!! POSSIBLE CORE MELTDOWN!!!
What´s up with that. I did´nt know that computers had Plutonium in them...do they??? It glows...is that dangerous?? It growls too...and tries to bite my legs...it even ran across the living room floor chasing my kids...that was funny.
I can swear it ate my candybar too.
I am tired...
My new boss wants to re-model the whole god damn carpentry. He made us tear out everything...breaking down walls and all...just to build it up again...but bigger...and better...it will be great...when we are done.
Man there where lots of garbage in there. One big ass dumpster is now full (the BIG builder kind) so we had to bring a new one.
We will build - a proper office, a small kitchen, dining room, locker room, shower and a toilet. That on the other hand will be fun...it´s more fun building things than breaking shit up. Why you might ask...breaking things is fun...yup...but to tear out and tear down 30 years old walls, shelves...god knows what...in a carpentry...IT GET DUSTY...I have probably inhaled a ton of dust this week...old dust...trust me...it´s dusty in a carpentry...I should know...I work there :)
I am tired....
I think I will go to bed now. Maybe watch a movie until I fall asleep....that will probaly take 10-15 minutes...then my wife will wake me up and tell me to shut the DVD player off and turn out the lights...bed...here I come.....
You see...my brain plays tricks on me sometimes. I wanna do this but my brain does that and the final result of my actions is nothing else but a total disaster.
It´s like my computer...this thing is a potentional nuke. No really...when I try to install and/or run new programs I get wierd messages like - WARNING!!!! POSSIBLE CORE MELTDOWN!!!
What´s up with that. I did´nt know that computers had Plutonium in them...do they??? It glows...is that dangerous?? It growls too...and tries to bite my legs...it even ran across the living room floor chasing my kids...that was funny.
I can swear it ate my candybar too.
I am tired...
My new boss wants to re-model the whole god damn carpentry. He made us tear out everything...breaking down walls and all...just to build it up again...but bigger...and better...it will be great...when we are done.
Man there where lots of garbage in there. One big ass dumpster is now full (the BIG builder kind) so we had to bring a new one.
We will build - a proper office, a small kitchen, dining room, locker room, shower and a toilet. That on the other hand will be fun...it´s more fun building things than breaking shit up. Why you might ask...breaking things is fun...yup...but to tear out and tear down 30 years old walls, shelves...god knows what...in a carpentry...IT GET DUSTY...I have probably inhaled a ton of dust this week...old dust...trust me...it´s dusty in a carpentry...I should know...I work there :)
I am tired....
I think I will go to bed now. Maybe watch a movie until I fall asleep....that will probaly take 10-15 minutes...then my wife will wake me up and tell me to shut the DVD player off and turn out the lights...bed...here I come.....
Saturday, 15 September 2007
World´s best rock album??

When Guns N´Roses released this album it rocked the world. Their sound was something else, something new....something far better than all the Def Leppard knockoffs out there....Guns rocked the world.
And little me (yes..I was young then...a teenager as a matter of fact) was blown away. I remember the summer when Guns N´Roses ruled...'Paradise City' could be heard everywhere...and everyone knew the lyrics.
I fell in love with the opening track...'Welcome to the jungle'...I still love it. I got it as my ring tone now...so when someone calls me on my cell I am very reluctant to actually answering...why interrupt such a cool tune ;)
Now...this is all about taste...that´s the beautiful part about music...there are so many flavours out there...something for anyone...so I guess there are a ton of people who disagrees with me...but hey...this is MY blog...and here Guns rocks...period :)
I would gladly put up the whole record for down loading...but since I don´t want to get sued and finally throwed in jail I can only recommend following....GO BUY IT!!!! I promise...if you are a rocker THIS is the album you need in your collection....get rid of that Blink 182 crap...time to understand what rock is all about.
Ok ok...I can hear the voices already..."What about Elvis??"...or..."Pfff...Jimi Hendrix ffs!!!"...or even..."Chuck Berry started it moron!!"...yes...I agree. Rock started way back in the days...rock is an offspring from blues...like almost everything I guess when talking about music...so what the hell...hello BB King :)
I am talking about modern rock...rock that got some god damn tone in it...feeling...music made from desperation and an urge to take on the world with tons of agression without the need of screaming your lungs out....now that is Guns N´Roses.
Too bad Mr. Rose himself proved to be somewhat insane and undisputed unstable...the following albums was not as good as 'Appetite For Destruction'. Though I like 'You could be mine' from 'Use your illusion'...T2 soundtrack I believe (Terminator II...doh). And 'November Rain' is just plain beautiful...the way Slash play that Les Paul...man...gives me goose bumps ;)
So...stop reading this mess and go get that album...schoosh...go go....
Wednesday, 5 September 2007
*cough*....poor me...*cough*
Yeah...I´m sick...home from work...damn cold. My kids brought it home...the cold that is...bah.
I promise...if I ever find that cold I will kick his/hers ass...damn cold.
It´s the same every fall/autumn...as soon as it´s getting a bit cooler the bugs and jerms flourish.
I can hear them sneaking around...planning...making up strategies....
- Hey Jermdood.
- Wazzup Buggy?
- See that skinny-looking-pale-faced-big-foot over there?
- Yeah...the one with the big nose?
- Exactly.
- Let´s flank the sucker.
- Hahaha...yeah.
- Hehe...man he will have a headache tomorrow.
- Totally.
BAH...I hate them...bugs and jerms should be banned from earth with no chance in hell of ever returning.
So there will no pics here today...I´m guessing here but I don´t think you guys wants to see my snot upclose and personal...a fetish like that is just nasty ;)
Carry on......
I promise...if I ever find that cold I will kick his/hers ass...damn cold.
It´s the same every fall/autumn...as soon as it´s getting a bit cooler the bugs and jerms flourish.
I can hear them sneaking around...planning...making up strategies....
- Hey Jermdood.
- Wazzup Buggy?
- See that skinny-looking-pale-faced-big-foot over there?
- Yeah...the one with the big nose?
- Exactly.
- Let´s flank the sucker.
- Hahaha...yeah.
- Hehe...man he will have a headache tomorrow.
- Totally.
BAH...I hate them...bugs and jerms should be banned from earth with no chance in hell of ever returning.
So there will no pics here today...I´m guessing here but I don´t think you guys wants to see my snot upclose and personal...a fetish like that is just nasty ;)
Carry on......
Saturday, 1 September 2007
Oak furniture - man I am good :)

This first pic is from the factory (where I work), I just finished this part...2 of these on each side of the cabinet....did I mention....everything is solid oak ;)

This took me 2 weeks to put together...all by hand. No computerized machines here....nope, old school carpentry buddies.
The darker wood (handles etc.) is the African Wenge...very very expensive...but very very beautiful. Yup...we made them too.
The funny thing is...I can build it...but I can´t afford it myself...darn...I´d like something like that at home myself...maybe just a bit different in style.
Ah well...in the future perhaps...who knows ;)
Carry on....
Saturday, 25 August 2007
Stupid neighbour...BAH!!!!!

Why you might wonder??
Thing is...right next to my house there is a spot of unused ground. It´s a dead end, so when I bought this house the dood who sold it told me that he used it for his car or trailer every now and then.
Said and done...I park my car there after picking up my kids. Too much hazzle to drag them, a large bag with their belongings and my tools all the way from the parking lot. I simply park by my house.
BUT!!! The asshole neighbour, midage woman...to be nice, thinks that I ruin her veiw...she got her kitchen window facing that spot.
So...I tried to be nice, I always move the car as fast as I can.
But today a friend of mine came to visit me, all the way from Stockholm (yup, it was Tommy, or Trimmy) and he parked there cause there were nowhere else to park.
How dare she...or IT...ofcourse IT only managed to piss me off...so it´s just as ugly husband joined in and ganged up on me.
MAN...no one else in this neighbourhood...NO ONE...complains over this matter. EVERYONE parks their cars outside THEIR houses.
Even Tommy stepped in to argue a bit...grrrrr...I HATE HER....IT.....BAH!!!!
So now it´s war....hell yeah it´s war. They picked a fight with the wrong guy...I know ALL about fighting...and I fight dirty, brutal and without hesitation.
Stupid ass neighbour...maybe I should take my car for a spin on their yard....sounds like fun to me.
Friday, 24 August 2007
What´s up with Daddy Cool??

But I did´nt throw this pic in just to flaunt my obscene good looks all over cyberspace...although that would explain pretty much...nope, I just wanted to tell the Daddy Cool story...and the blue kind of guy is him..or me...or both...
Now...in swedish the word for daddy is 'pappa'...same same but different. Cool on the other hand is...well...cool. Yup, we swedes use that too...kind of stole it from the english language...sorry.
So...my oldest son (now 4) called me pappacool when he started talking...I dunno why but he did. Translated into english gives me daddycool.
Boney M...a band from the disco era in the '70, made a song called Daddy Cool. It was a hit, and it´s still a cool disco tune. Check it out sometime.
So...when I started playing BFV (Battlefield Vietnam) I named me ' Daddy Cool'.
Some people who plays online games likes to change their names every now and then...I don´t. Daddy Cool got his own life...wierdly enough...but in my team (TEAM Enclave) I just am Daddy Cool...or Daddy...or DC...but not Janne wich is my real name.
Now when we run BF2 instead of BFV I´m still Daddy Cool.
Hrmpf...about nicks in game...what´s wrong with proper names??? Like 'AppleCrunch'...or 'SoggyBottom'...or 'Stinky'....in the world of Bf2 there are almost no one with a proper name. Only - '^¨*thefl¨¨¨^^...or something similar....bah, lack of imagination I say. Try calling for someone with a name like that...hell, it´s game over before you even find the freaking signs on your keyboard.
No wonder there are less chatting in Bf2 than BFV...it´s impossible to call for someone.
But relax all of you gamers out there...come to our BF2 server (IP and Port are shown under the TEAM Enclave logo), all of our members got proper names. It starts with [TE]...then a PROPER name...hehehe.
Here are some you might run into....
- Greyblood
- Witchking
- Nitecat
- Hollynator
...and ofcourse DaddyCool. If you wanna see the complete members list click the TEAM Enclave link...tadaa, our website.
But please...if you are about to start playing BF2...COME UP WITH A PROPER NAME FOR CRYING OUT LOUD...man, how hard can it be....
I´m out.....going ;)
Sunday, 19 August 2007
Does bears shit in the woods???

They got one of the largest bears in the world there too...the Kamchatka bear Peter...height: 3.1 metre....weight: 570 kg...now that´s what I call a big ass bear.
I took some photos of him too...but the fence was in the way of a really good pic. So you have to do with these nice chaps.
You know...bears can talk...oh yeah...there are 2 bears living here that talks...Bear Dood and Huggy Bear. This is a conversation between them I picked up this summer....authentic ofcourse...
- Tadum ti dum...lalala...boobeedoo...doddoo...badamtidum...huh?
- What was that just now Huggy?
- Erm...you know that dinner I was making...the stuffed moose?
- Oh yeah....can´t wait....I am starving.
- Ehe...well...umm...it kind of ran away...just now...just like that...whoom....gone.
- Say again?
- He got up an ran away.
- You say what?
- Not dead enough I would say.
- Man...you suck...how hard can it be. Beat em dead and cook em god dammit.
- Dood...sorry buddy...I was sure he was dead...hell, I clocked him with the frying pan...twice.
- Well...yeah...works great on rabbits.
- Huggy Huggy Huggy...a moose is just a tad bit larger than a rabbit right?
- Umm...yeah....so?
- You need bigger things to beat em with....*sigh*.
- Got any suggestions Mr. I-am-the-almighty-who-knows-everything?
- Hell yeah...use this.
- What the hell is that Dood?
- I made it myself....hehehehe.
- I can see that...but what is it?
- I call it the BAMB.
- ?????
- Big Ass Moose Beater....BAMB....it´s awesome.
- Cool....you´re a genious.
- I know...hehe...I made it out of various car parts I found in the old scrap yard.
- Nice...looks deadly enough to me buddy.
- One problem though Huggy my man.
- What´s that?
- I can´t lift it.
- Huh?
- Yeah...I used most of the engine...bumpers...suspension...it´s kind of heavy you know.
- Let me get this straight....you made a moose killing machine wich is too darn heavy to actually use??
- You could say that.
- ....erm...well....eheh...
- Tell me Dood...did you by any chance misplace your brain somehow somewhere and therefor have to THINK with you ASS???!!!!
- But...it´s a V8 man...spins like a tiger...listen...*VROOOOM*.
- Oh.....cool...
- Want a ride buddy?
- Hell yeah...lets go cruisin´my man.
- Where´s the throttle...oh there it is....
I have´nt seen them for a while now.....
Ah well....drive carefully out there...you never know who you might meet on the road :)
Tuesday, 31 July 2007
Boys and their toys!!!

Sony Ericsson K810i CyberShot...3.2 MP camera, MP3 player, Radio...you name it, I got it ;)
This 'Comic book' effect is one of the cool effects to choose from...a small edit program...AWESOME!!!
It´s a hobby of mine...playing around with pictures in various programs...I think my phone and I will become very good friends.
Oh...did I mention...you can use the phone for phone calls aswell...handy ;)
Too bad I´m not disgustingly rich...there are sooooooo many cool toys out there...give me a zillion dollars and I´ll shop my butt off...I´ll even record it and put it on U-Tube...you just try me. C´mon...try me...someone...pretty please with a cherry on top and cream on the side???
One thing is for sure though...I will put more pics here taken with my beloved cell phone...so keep an eye out people.
Tuesday, 10 July 2007
A bath anyone???

My kids on the other hand don´t mind...they would gladly jump in. My oldest even asked me during the winter if we could go here and swim...yeah right...drill a hole in the ice and jump in...I´m pretty sure that would kill me instantly...I´m no polarbear ;)
Oooh...my dear wife just told me it´s supper time....yummy.
This was a shorty...I´ll be back soon enough.
Friday, 22 June 2007
The sky is the limit!!!

In the evenings the sky can be all red, purple, pink, orange...you name it...and the effect on those clouds are awesome. But a blue one...can´t beat that :)
Maybe I adjusted the photo just a bit...enhanced the blue in it...but hey, it´s still the sky...not like when those fashion photographers turns the models into completely different persons in Photoshop.
'click' - Ok Mr. Trump...you are now caught on cam buddy.
2 hours later.
- I Photoshopped you a bit...
Trump - WHAT THE....WHO IS THAT??!!!
- Umm...that is you.
Trump - No way man...that is Brittney Spears!!!
- No...that is you...after some playing around in Photoshop.
Trump - Aaah, I see...nice hair.
Awful...but the funny thing is...no matter what program I use I can´t make myself look good...wierd...it´s like loading error...what´s up with that???
I even got a message once...it popped up in the middle of the screen saying - "The program for your specimens are yet to be invented...bugger off!!"
Huh?? Darn computers....
My antivirus program is screaming about "POSSIBLE CORE MELTDOWN" whenever I try to load up a picture of me...wierd....
Ah well...I guess it will be on the news if my computer turns into a nuke and blasts half of Sweden into orbit around Jupiter...now that would be an adventure...
NASA - No...we did NOT send half a country into space.
Ah well...need my beauty sleep...wonder if it will work this time....
Monday, 4 June 2007
Is that you??? Get out of here!!!

I can understand that...yup, it´s true...I am the hippie wannabee in the middle...gees, must be 7 or 8 years ago.
'The Generators'...we really tried to look authentic...ugly clothes and all...70th style. Long hair and Lennon glasses...yeah I know...poor imposters ;)
Luckily I cut my hair off and turned into to this extremely handsome man that I am...if you don´t disagree I´ll send you a chewing gum...barely used...promise :)
Aaaah...summer (quick change of subject). Finally the warm weather found it´s way to Sweden...man did we need that.
For 9 months each year we swedes have to put up with ridicuolus low temperatures, depressingly amounts of snow, agressive polarbears that snitches your morning paper and cars that eagerly tries to camouflage themselves as Igloos...bah.
Just to open the door is an adventure...and leaving the house...gees, you better put on atleast 150kg of clothes just to survive...man I am glad I am a viking ;)
Did I mention...I favor summer...warm and cosy, flowers, grass (not the smoking kind)...barbecues...beer on occasions...things comes to life in the summer...and I don´t have to wrestle polarbears all the time...that´s exhausting.
I am getting a slight sunburn too...not the grilled look though.
Ah well...time to wrap this up.
Until the next time...drink some beer :)
Saturday, 26 May 2007

Now...these bushes apparently needed to be put to sleep...or removed if you prefer. Anyhow...said and done...I started to dig...holy crappaloni...the roots were as thick as the Golden Gate wires...gees. The damn bush would´nt give in easily I tell you that...not without a fight anyway.
After a while I gave up the digging style...brute force was the way to go I thought. After some intence beating with the shovel and zero result it was time for no mercy...take no prisoners just blast em suckers.
A crow bar was the tool for me...and man did I swing it. I was giving that freaking bush the beating of his life mark my words. I guess my neighbours think I´m insane or something...ah well...nothing new :)
My wife tried to beat it too...her hands is hurting now...poor girl. My elbow (old boxing injury) is hurting too...poor me.
But the important thing is...we beat it...WE WON...moahahaha...looser bush. But man that bush was a tough bastard. A nuke would have been easier...one of those and ALL bushes are history...house too...darn.
My wife even mumbled about explosives when she tried to hack those roots off...hehe, that would have been a sight...
- HEY...what are you doing with that dynamite???
- Oh...hello neighbour...well, we are trying to remove some bushes.
- Huh...with explosives?
- Yup...FIRE IN THE HOLE!!!!
Would have been quicker I suppose...and cool too ;)
The worst part is...there is still one of those monsters out there...yup, we had 3...now only 1...and he´s bigger...I can swear he growled at me...I am afraid now...help me...someone...
That dynamite idea is somehow a pleasant solution come to think of it...
Nah...don´t you worry...relax, I´m not going to blow some bushes sky high...that remaining one will survive this summer...but next summer he is toast :)
Until the next time...buy me a book "How to kick the shit out of your bushes"...thanks.
Thursday, 24 May 2007
Give it to me baby ;)

Corvette Stingray...not sure of the year of making though...somewhere around 64-68...but damn it looks cool...blue and all.
I took this picture last summer...we have 2 special cruising days here. Lovely cars from all of Sweden gather here to show off...their owners too ofcourse...doh.
Speaking of cars...I drive a Ford Mondeo...oops...hang on...my wife drives that one...I drive a bucket called Volvo...it´s old, sluggish and makes wierd noices when it feels like it. The gas meter has lost interest in functioning...but hey, I like my Volvo.
I can park anywhere without worrying about dents and it does´nt matter if it gets dirty. I use it in my line of work...it is no car to go cruising with...if I did I am afraid it would render laughs and serious mockery...I don´t want to put my dear Volvo through that....he is sensitive.
Did´nt you know....cars are people too...don´t say you missed 'Cars'??? Disney Pixars Cars??? Awesome movie...seen it probably 10 times by now. Me and my kids loves it :)
There is the proof...cars are people...so I try to be gentle with my Volvo...I don´t wanna be ran over one day due to poor handling. I can see the headlines - Father of 2 got his ass kicked by a Volvo...man...a Ferrari yes...even a Jaguar...but a Volvo...embarrassing.
Ah well...I am rambling...like always....
Until the next time...GET ME THAT CORVETTE!!!!
Tuesday, 22 May 2007
Music - Candy for ones eares :)

Actually...I´ve had plenty of guitars...tried most of them...but this one...it rocks :)
So yup...I play guitar...I used to be in a band. We played music from the 60s and 70s...Thin Lizzy, Beatles, Rolling Stones, The Doors, Box Tops, Los Bravos, David Bowie, Dusty Springfield, Hollies and many more. We called ourselves 'The Generators'...we thought that sounded like a band name from back then ;)
We did some gigs here and there...no BIG ass gigs...biggest crowd about 450-500 me finks...but darn it was fun...mostly. Playing at small places without a proper stage can be...absolutely life threatening...hahaha.
I remember one gig...here in Falun (where I live). It was packed...I mean PACKED...and everyone in the crownd was shitfaced. But the feeling in there was awesome...PAAAAAARTYYY...hehe.
So we started the gig...WOOT...everyone went ballistic...people where falling all over...beer and drinks were flying through the air...they danced like maniacs...into the band ofcourse...that means us...GEES. I had to stop playing in the middle of a song (I did lead song and rythm guitar) cause people were falling all over me...the dood who did the backing vocals busted his lip when some drunk fell into his mic stand....man it was rock´n roll :)
Afterwards we needed a shower...badly...we were...well, sticky from all the alcohol flying around...and our gear (guitars, drums, PA) were...not in a good shape...man, you could get drunk by licking the stuff.
Yeah...it was fun playing a rock star every now and then :)
I have put in some links to click if you wanna hear me play and sing. The songs are written by me and I play guitars and handles the vocal abuse ;)
Following doodz are playing -
Drums and backing vocals: Fredrik Halvarsson
Bass and some rythm guitars: Andreas "Nyzze" Nyström
Lead vocals, lead guitar, rythm guitar: Doobeedoo...yours truly :)
Have fun all of you.
Until the next time...rock on!!!
Monday, 21 May 2007
The noble art of self destruction ;)
Greetings all you wonderful readers...all 2 of you :) I am one (I have to...I write this crap)...the other one is my wife...she already knows that I am wierd...hehe. Hello wife :)
Anyhow...self destruction or better known as self inflicted injuries is something I am a master of...I´ve been hurt in ways that are yet to be invented me finks...hey, maybe I can get a patent for some of them?? Worth a shot don´t you think??
Here´s a list of some damage my delicious body have sustained through the years...
Age 3: Crashed into some stones with a small bike - Result: Drove my front teeth through my upper lip...still got the scar to prove it :)
Age 4: Drove a electric car in a amusement park - Result: Crashed (no belt buckle...I was too small) and split my chin wide open...scars too.
Age 8: Tried to outrun my 4 year older sister at home - Result: Stumbled and drove my right hand through a window...that my friends was bad...nasty scar, no feeling in some fingers and 20% less movement. Last check up for that...16 years old.
Age 10: Drove a too darn big bike - Result: Crashed head to head with a bigger kid on a bike...split my left eyebrow wide open...scars.
Age 11: Climbed a big ass tree - Result: Slipped and fell down from the top (5 metres), landed on my bike...busted ribs and a finger on my left hand was pointing backwards. Needed surgery to fix that...scars.
Age 15: Bike again - Result: Hit a speedbump at insane speed, lost controle and smashed into a wall. Half my face was torn off and my left eyebrow got beat up again....longer scar.
Age 15: 1 month after the wall hit...bike again...4 of us on the same one - Result: Smashed into a concrete thing...everyone fell off...I landed on my chin...they (the doctors) picked gravel out the bone...chin bone that is...ugly scar.
Age 16: Tried to be gymnastic - Result: Broke my right ringfinger...did´nt do much about that...it healed...but in a slightly crooked way.
Oh man...I am clumsy...but this aint all....broke my right thumb twice boxing, football (soccer) injuries, cut myself with knifes (plenty of small scars here and there), electric saw in my finger...I can go on and on...and now I am a carpenter...dealing with pretty dangerous machines every day ;)
But hey...who said life is boring??
Until the next time...don´t try all that at home...it was performed by a professional:)
Anyhow...self destruction or better known as self inflicted injuries is something I am a master of...I´ve been hurt in ways that are yet to be invented me finks...hey, maybe I can get a patent for some of them?? Worth a shot don´t you think??
Here´s a list of some damage my delicious body have sustained through the years...
Age 3: Crashed into some stones with a small bike - Result: Drove my front teeth through my upper lip...still got the scar to prove it :)
Age 4: Drove a electric car in a amusement park - Result: Crashed (no belt buckle...I was too small) and split my chin wide open...scars too.
Age 8: Tried to outrun my 4 year older sister at home - Result: Stumbled and drove my right hand through a window...that my friends was bad...nasty scar, no feeling in some fingers and 20% less movement. Last check up for that...16 years old.
Age 10: Drove a too darn big bike - Result: Crashed head to head with a bigger kid on a bike...split my left eyebrow wide open...scars.
Age 11: Climbed a big ass tree - Result: Slipped and fell down from the top (5 metres), landed on my bike...busted ribs and a finger on my left hand was pointing backwards. Needed surgery to fix that...scars.
Age 15: Bike again - Result: Hit a speedbump at insane speed, lost controle and smashed into a wall. Half my face was torn off and my left eyebrow got beat up again....longer scar.
Age 15: 1 month after the wall hit...bike again...4 of us on the same one - Result: Smashed into a concrete thing...everyone fell off...I landed on my chin...they (the doctors) picked gravel out the bone...chin bone that is...ugly scar.
Age 16: Tried to be gymnastic - Result: Broke my right ringfinger...did´nt do much about that...it healed...but in a slightly crooked way.
Oh man...I am clumsy...but this aint all....broke my right thumb twice boxing, football (soccer) injuries, cut myself with knifes (plenty of small scars here and there), electric saw in my finger...I can go on and on...and now I am a carpenter...dealing with pretty dangerous machines every day ;)
But hey...who said life is boring??
Until the next time...don´t try all that at home...it was performed by a professional:)
Saturday, 19 May 2007
Oak table anyone??
As you might have picked up I am a carpenter. Here´s a oak table I made...wanna buy it :)
It´s pretty heavy...so I don´t think I can carry it that far...atleast not further than say Germany ;)
Working with wood is indeed very funny...getting paid for the work is less funny. Some costumers are so god damn cheap...they actually think that it is cheaper ordering a special made product, a one of a kind, than going to IKEA...WOOT?? Stoopid-ass-jelly-eating-cheap-nose-picking-morons....bah...and when you tell em the cost they try to cut prices...GET THE HELL OUT OF MY CARPENTRY!!!!
What´s up with that??
I actually told a lady (I could call her plenty of other stuff less nice) to leave once...she thought I would do about 2 hours of work for her almost at no charge. She was angry when I told her my price....huh...so I told here to seek help elsewhere :)
But this last costumer I had was a chock. He wanted to pay me before I even started working on his stuff...YAY!!! But I told him to relax (I must be stoopid)...it kind of feels better to do the job and get paid for it after you finished it. And man was he happy...he almost hugged me...hehe...charming old man but I am married ;)
Ah well...the battle against cheap costumers will continue I presume...maybe threating with a ride through the planing machine will get em paying...I dunno...I will let you know the result of that later on :)
Until the next time...stop and smell the flowers...if you´re not allergic that is ;)
Friday, 18 May 2007
The cat lady!!!
I hate her!!! Pardon my french but she is sooo darn stoopid that time stops, mountains falls apart and oceans floods Denmark ;)
What about her then...well, I live in a neighbourhood with lots of small children here and there. Many playgrounds are skattered all over....and guess what...cats likes to take dumps in the sandboxes. Bah...most annoying. Cats are not the best kind of animal to keep in a neighbourhood like this...that is if you don´t keep em inside your house ofcourse.
Cat crap is disgusting...crap in general is not fresh but cats who wander around craps all over.
Now...this lady takes her cat for a walk every now and then. She keeps it in a leash. Believe it or not, she just waits for her darn cat to unload a pile of crap in my or my neighbours gardens...WOOT???!!! I almost went into a coma when I first saw it....how the hell can you let your animal crap in someone elses garden??? Moron....not much brain activity there.
I talked to a guy a week ago who actually stormed out and threatend to kill the cat if he saw that stoopid behaviour anywhere near his house again...hehehe...good call...I just might pick him up on that :)
So the cat lady is on my "shit list"...hehe.
Until the next time...eat a lot of carrots...or not.
What about her then...well, I live in a neighbourhood with lots of small children here and there. Many playgrounds are skattered all over....and guess what...cats likes to take dumps in the sandboxes. Bah...most annoying. Cats are not the best kind of animal to keep in a neighbourhood like this...that is if you don´t keep em inside your house ofcourse.
Cat crap is disgusting...crap in general is not fresh but cats who wander around craps all over.
Now...this lady takes her cat for a walk every now and then. She keeps it in a leash. Believe it or not, she just waits for her darn cat to unload a pile of crap in my or my neighbours gardens...WOOT???!!! I almost went into a coma when I first saw it....how the hell can you let your animal crap in someone elses garden??? Moron....not much brain activity there.
I talked to a guy a week ago who actually stormed out and threatend to kill the cat if he saw that stoopid behaviour anywhere near his house again...hehehe...good call...I just might pick him up on that :)
So the cat lady is on my "shit list"...hehe.
Until the next time...eat a lot of carrots...or not.
English blog? But why??
Yes doodz...I am Swedish...but still I will write here in English. "But why?? Is he insane?? Did he fall out of a big-ass tree and hit his head???"..you might think.
Well...it´s all true...but since most of my internet buddies is NOT Swedish this English thing will have to do :)
So don´t declare war against Sweden if some words gets spelled in a wierd way...I am rather good at writing English...but far from Mr. 100 %...even the sun has spots right...or was that me??? Hmm...I need a mirror....YIKES....dreadful....
I just had me a session of BFV...that is Battlefield Vietnam for those who did´nt know...and it was fun. PC games are great...PC games where you get to kill people in particular...lol. Virtual violence is far better than the real thing. I should know, I used to box competitive. Pretty violent I must say...it kind of gets that when you aim to plunge your fists in someones face...luckily a got my head screwed back on, plugged in the brain (malfunctioning ofcourse) and stopped boxing.
But enough about that now...it´s time to sleep.
So goodnight world...be nice to me tomorrow...or I will kick your ass ;)
Well...it´s all true...but since most of my internet buddies is NOT Swedish this English thing will have to do :)
So don´t declare war against Sweden if some words gets spelled in a wierd way...I am rather good at writing English...but far from Mr. 100 %...even the sun has spots right...or was that me??? Hmm...I need a mirror....YIKES....dreadful....
I just had me a session of BFV...that is Battlefield Vietnam for those who did´nt know...and it was fun. PC games are great...PC games where you get to kill people in particular...lol. Virtual violence is far better than the real thing. I should know, I used to box competitive. Pretty violent I must say...it kind of gets that when you aim to plunge your fists in someones face...luckily a got my head screwed back on, plugged in the brain (malfunctioning ofcourse) and stopped boxing.
But enough about that now...it´s time to sleep.
So goodnight world...be nice to me tomorrow...or I will kick your ass ;)
Thursday, 17 May 2007
A toilet roll mountain!!!
Apparently it is most entertaining bulding mountains of toilet rolls...ask my 4 year old...you should see his focus doing it.
When he can´t reach higher he builds a second one...or kicks the crap out of the first one so he can build it up all over again.
Aaaah...the sweet creative ability of kids...anything is a potentional toy...like toilet rolls :)
Here´s a tip for ya....if you are feeling bored as hell, looking for some entertaiment in your life huh...get some kids. I promise you...you will NEVER be bored again...you don´t have the time for it.
Kids are like whirlwinds...atleast mine. Constant chasing them all over the place...hehehe...but they do make me laugh.
Kids are wonderful...and a handful...but they sure are the best thing in life.
Until the next time...drive safely but please continue to give moron drivers the finger :)
When he can´t reach higher he builds a second one...or kicks the crap out of the first one so he can build it up all over again.
Aaaah...the sweet creative ability of kids...anything is a potentional toy...like toilet rolls :)
Here´s a tip for ya....if you are feeling bored as hell, looking for some entertaiment in your life huh...get some kids. I promise you...you will NEVER be bored again...you don´t have the time for it.
Kids are like whirlwinds...atleast mine. Constant chasing them all over the place...hehehe...but they do make me laugh.
Kids are wonderful...and a handful...but they sure are the best thing in life.
Until the next time...drive safely but please continue to give moron drivers the finger :)
Doobeedoo on you brothers ;)

Well...I probably should say something like - Welcome to my little blogspot...so I guess that´s what I just did.
Anyhow...this blog will eventually contain both pics and some mind twisting thoughts about things that matters...or not matters at all...the important thing is that you (the reader) is having a good time reading this mess.
Just a word on the way - I am thinking, therefore I am confused.
See ya!!!
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